
Lend a Helping Hand

At Renevado, we empathize with the daily challenges faced by many households. The struggle to balance earning a living with caring for your family often leaves little time for essential home maintenance. We are proud to introduce our "Lend a Helping Hand" community service program. Once a week, we will provide a complimentary preventative maintenance package to an individual or family nominated by you, because helping out a neighbor is what community is all about.

"Lend a Helping Hand" is for anyone grappling with the relentless demands of daily life, managing responsibilities, often neglecting crucial home preventative maintenance. Whether it's a single parent, a hardworking family, a family dealing with a serious illness, or an elderly person in need of assistance with basic maintenance, we aim to ease the burden and ensure safety, efficiency, and longevity for their homes.

Nominate someone today! Simply provide their name, number, and email, along with your own contact information. Our selected nominee will receive our expert preventative maintenance service at no cost.

Additionally, if you're interested in volunteering your time to help a neighbor, please let us know! Together, let's make a difference in our community because everyone deserves a safe and well-maintained home.

Community Service
Community Service

Nominate a Family

Submit your nomination today